Sunday, October 21, 2012

To President Aquino: Even nations must accept that relationships are not a one-way street


During the state banquet held in honour of visiting French Prime Minister Ayrault, President Aquino was reported to have said that "he was curious why there had been little interaction between Philippine and French leaders in the past 65 years despite sharing a love of good food."

Mr Aquino, we hope has not forgotten that France was the first country in the world back in 1987, to recognize the revolutionary government of his late mother's, the Cory Aquino government, ahead of every other country, including the United States.

France was the first country in the world, to have approved sale of some of the most sensitive armaments there were around (we cannot say which for security reasons) upon the request of Mrs Aquino's government back in 1989 when Mrs Aquino became the guest of honour of France's 14th of July Bicentennial Celebrations of the Taking of the Bastille. Note that the United States refused to sell those 'sensitive armaments' even after a plea by the PSG command to thwart off coup d'état attempts by renegade military forces against the Cory Government. But France did!

During the time of FVR, France regional government (Paris-Ile de France) donated millions of dollars - gratis et amore - and continuing efforts to improve the technical know-how of MMDA officials and engineers through education and grants in France to improve Metro Manila urban planning.

In 1992, France state-owned defence companies sent their people in order to help AFP with military planning in prevision of the AFP's Modernization Law at no cost to Philippine Government. A host of AFP military chiefs and planners were invited to France by way of continuing education.

We must not forget to mention the defence treaty/Defence MOA that France and Philippines signed in 1994 during FVR's visit to Paris... 

There are many other areas where France has contributed to try to help improve relations between leaders of both countries, with France always taking the initiative. In October 2000, a state visit by former President Estrada was cancelled by the Philippines at the last minute. 

Lest we forget, during the dreadful Sipadan hostage crisis, unknown to the public, it was France and her intelligence agency people who organised the negotiations discreetly and effectively in 2000 that enabled the Philippines to resolve the shameful international drama. 

We believe that the Philippines has not taken advantage of what has been on offer or simply has ignored France. The Philippines should actually examine the list of initiatives and take advantage of what France might offer. If ever there had been little interaction between Philippine and French leaders, perhaps, it's time the Philippines examined their side. 

A bit of imagination is required to make things happen. Even nations must accept that relationships are not a one-way street.

By Anne de Bretagne

For the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum
21 October 2012

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