SCARBOROUGH SHOAL: So-called gaffe by China broadcaster on China state-run TV about owning the Philippines is not a gaffe.
“We all know that the Philippines is China’s inherent territory and the Philippines belongs to Chinese sovereignty, this is an indisputable fact,” declared the anchor on China’s state-run television network.
THE FACT THAT CHINA TV HAS REFUSED TO apologise for the "inadvertence" is evidence that the so-called gaffe was a stage-managed incident to rouse the Chinese of China to a higher pitch of nationalistic fervour. It is part of China's formidable psy-war operations in motion.
The so-called gaffe and the non-apology must be seen as China's attempt to send a stong message that China pulitburo guards are serious about their threats to Philippine sovereignty.
Are the Chinese intending to launch a naval blockade of the Western seaboard of the Philippines? Let it be known that they are virtuall doing that to Scarborough Shoal. A naval blockade of the Western seaboard of the Philippines is tantamount to partial invasion of Philippine territory and can be considered an act of war.
Are the Chinese intending to launch a naval blockade of the Western seaboard of the Philippines? Let it be known that they are virtuall doing that to Scarborough Shoal. A naval blockade of the Western seaboard of the Philippines is tantamount to partial invasion of Philippine territory and can be considered an act of war.
Back-pedalling on China TV is China's only way to prove that they have not meant to denigrate and vioalte Philippine sovereignty.
China now is claiming also even the Philippines. Then they claim next the whole world that it's a part of China, that's hilarious. People really know that Scarborough shoal must belong to Philippines because of some reasons.